If you have children, then you know they can be expensive. During the course of marriage, or when unmarried couples remain together, these costs can typically be managed amongst two incomes. In the event of divorce or a breakup, though, arguments can arise as to who will pay for the child’s care.
The law is designed to ensure that both parents share equally in the raising of a child. Therefore, noncustodial parents are usually ordered to pay child support to custodial parents. These payments are meant to help cover everyday expenses such as food and clothing, but they can also include educational costs and expenses related to extracurricular activities. One issue that often isn’t considered by Californians, though, is medical care.
Under California law, a child support order must address medical support. For the most part, this deals with the payment of health insurance. This insurance should cover vision and dental, and the services available through the insurance need to be accessible within 50 miles of the child’s residence. Those who are ordered to pay medical support must pay this obligation in addition to their standard child support. However, the cost of medical support, meaning insurance, should not exceed five percent of that parent’s gross income.
This still leaves the issue of uninsured medical costs. California courts usually divide these costs amongst the child’s parents in an attempt to alleviate the burden as much as possible. However, this doesn’t mean that parents will always be able to cover these expenses, which is why either modification or enforcement may be necessary in some instances.
Dealing with child support can be stressful, regardless of which side you are on. An attorney who is experienced at handling these matters may be able to help deal with these issues, though, which is why many Californians choose to seek out their assistance.
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