Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Jan 28, 2020
Prenups: What You Didn’t Know You Needed

Marriage is one of life’s most culturally defining and social milestones. When you meet your potential spouse, you may dream of a happy and adventurous life together. There may be children in your future, businesses, homes, and travel. You will laugh, cry, age, and share…

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Jan 20, 2020
How Judges Determine the Best Interests of a Child

Along with financial issues, child custody matters represent some of the most contentious and challenging aspects of divorce proceedings in California and across the country. If you're a parent contemplating a divorce or involved in a newly initiated marriage dissolution case, you likely have some…

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Dec 13, 2019
Does a Trust Influence Who Inherits Community Property?

Community Property in California California is a community property state. This means everything you earn or acquire during your marriage belongs to each spouse equally. Attempts to put more assets than are rightfully yours into a trust will not override the community property law. You and your…

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Dec 02, 2019
5 Things You Should Know About LGBTQ+ Divorce

With the legalization of same-sex marriage, thousands of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ+) couples marched to the altar to get married. Unfortunately, marriage doesn’t always work out. If you are on the cusp of getting divorced, then you should be aware of the complications…

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Nov 25, 2019
Can You Adopt a Child You’re Fostering?

The short answer is yes: If you are currently fostering a child, you can likely adopt them. However, there is some legal red tape you must cut through to achieve this goal. The Foster Care System The foster care system is a temporary solution for…

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Nov 12, 2019
What Is an Advance Healthcare Directive?

An advanced healthcare directive is a legal document a person creates regarding their wishes for medical care if they are unable to make those decisions for themselves. A document of this type is not just for the elderly or terminally ill; a person of any…

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Oct 28, 2019
How To File For Divorce

You’ve made the decision to end your marriage, but now what? What steps do you take? Where do you begin? Our Roseville divorce attorneys explain the divorce process below. Preparing for Your Case: After you’ve decided to get divorced, the first thing you will need…

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Oct 18, 2019
How to Choose a Family to Adopt Your Child

Every woman has the option to choose whether or not she wants to be a mother. If you are pregnant and decide you aren’t ready for motherhood, you have options. One such option is giving the baby up for adoption. How do you choose the…

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Oct 09, 2019
5 Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement

Advantages of a Prenuptial Agreement A prenuptial agreement is a legal document that determines how a couple will divide their debts and assets in the event of divorce. Many people are under the impression that only the wealthy construct prenuptial agreements, but that’s simply not…

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Sep 13, 2019
California Divorce 101

Deciding to end a marriage can be terrifying. There are several issues to take care of including child custody, property division, and spousal support, which can be overwhelming during this difficult time. However, by understanding California’s divorce laws, you can be better prepared for the…

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