Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Sep 11, 2019
Property Division: Community vs. Separate

If you and your partner are going through a divorce, the division of property can be tricky. There are two types of property a couple must consider when they are deciding how things should be separated; community and separate. Community Property A community is the…

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Aug 21, 2019
When to File a Restraining Order

If you are a victim of domestic violence, get to a safe place and contact The Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. To ensure you and the members of your household stay safe from an abusive person, you should seek a restraining order against that person. If you…

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Aug 06, 2019
Can an Affair Impact a California Divorce

California is a no-fault divorce state, which means the spouse seeking a divorce doesn’t need to provide proof of the other spouse doing anything wrong. However, they will still need to provide a reason for the divorce. The two possible reasons a person may file…

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Apr 11, 2019
When Can Child or Spousal Support Orders Be Set Aside?

It is unfortunate that many California couples who get a divorce continue to engage in disagreement and dispute after the case has been completed. However, for a large faction of them, an inability to find common ground will continue to be problematic as they battle…

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Apr 05, 2019
Divorce Can Be Problematic with Professional Practices

California divorces are often associated with famous performers and other prominent and well-known people. However, divorce legal issues can affect anyone and be a financial and personal problem for their lives from top to bottom. Professional people who have their own practice in their chosen…

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Mar 28, 2019
What Should I Know About Collecting Money Judgments Post-Divorce?

Often, many California divorces end with one spouse receiving a money judgment which the other spouse must pay. The spouse who is to be paid must understand certain facts about collecting the financial judgment. Since emotions are inevitably raw after a divorce and there was…

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Mar 25, 2019
3 Items You Cannot Include in a Prenup

People can implement various steps to develop a solid prenuptial agreement. It is good for a couple to sign the document shortly after the engagement because they will have clearer minds. They are not in the process of planning a romantic wedding yet, so handling the paperwork at…

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Mar 21, 2019
What Happens with Unpaid Debts During a California Divorce?

California divorces rarely happen when both parties are ready for it and there are frequently issues that are left unresolved at the time of the filing. While there are a variety of concerns in any divorce such as children, support and division or property, neither…

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Mar 14, 2019
Can a Wage Assignment Order for Child Support Be Voided?

In a child support case in California, some supporting parents - known as the obligor - will pay via an income assignment. In these situations, the money will be taken directly out of the person's paycheck and sent to the receiving parent. For some supporting…

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Mar 07, 2019
Preparing for Financial Concerns During a Gray Divorce

The end of a marriage cannot be pigeonholed as solely affecting a certain faction of people who are in a specific age range. Not all California divorces are the same and the issues and matters in dispute can vary. A so-called "gray divorce" in which…

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