Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Nov 09, 2018
How Can a California Guardianship Come into Existence?

Many Californians are all too familiar with situations where an individual is unable to care for their child. Sometimes this is caused by financial strain, but, in other instances, incarceration, substance abuse, and mental health issues are a driving force in a parent's inability to…

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Nov 06, 2018
Cianci Law Does Cohabitation Before Marriage Increase Risk of Divorce?

For decades, cohabitation prior to marriage was frowned upon. More recently, however, the act has become more acceptable, with many Californians living together in long-term relationships without marriage, and others waiting for many years before tying the knot. Research is divided as to whether divorce…

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Oct 25, 2018
New California Law Addresses Pets in the Divorce Process

There's no doubt that the divorce process can be an emotional one. For many Californians, dealing with child custody and visitation issues is at the heart of their emotional conflict. Yet, in many instances, parties find themselves squabbling over who will get the family pet.…

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Oct 23, 2018
Cianci Law Creating a Parenting Plan for Your Teen

Parenting plans should focus on the best interests of the child, and when children are young, that may seem fairly straightforward. A structured schedule is healthy and helps children feel safe, and California courts provide suggestions and samples of schedules that can assist parents. Although…

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Oct 17, 2018
Considerations to Make Prior to Entering into a Guardianship

In a perfect world, parents would be able to provide for their children with support from friends and family. As we all know, though, the world is far from ideal. Often, parents are incapable of caring for their children, whether it be due to substance…

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Oct 11, 2018
The True Purpose of a Prenuptial Agreement

Money woes are a common cause of divorce. For this reason, many seek a divorce in hopes of securing some sort of financial freedom. Yet, when those individuals who are facing financial difficulties go to dissolve their marriage, they find themselves facing battles of money…

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Oct 03, 2018
The Right Approach to Property Division Issues in a Divorce

A recent post here discussed the differences between community property and separate property. This distinction can have a dramatic effect on the property division process when a couple gets divorced. It can lay the foundation for an individual's post-divorce finances, which means that it needs…

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Oct 01, 2018
Is Your Spouse Hiding Assets

Many people have secrets from their spouses, ranging from the trivial to the earth-shattering. A surprising number of people hide financial information during their marriages. However, once divorce becomes a real possibility, a spouse who hides assets can cause significant harm to the other spouse…

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Sep 27, 2018
Cianci Law Surrogacy Confusion Leads to Lawsuit

On its face, surrogacy may seem like a relatively straightforward arrangement. A woman agrees to carry a child to term on behalf of another couple, then, once born, that woman relinquishes all parental rights to the child. The surrogate mother is typically compensated for the…

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Sep 19, 2018
Some Tips to Make Co-Parenting Easier

Preparing for divorce can be an emotional process for some California residents. Sometimes, these individuals do not necessarily want to get divorced, but they recognize that their spouse may have fallen out of love with them, or maybe each spouse's life goals just make marriage…

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