Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Sep 12, 2018
Paternity Issues Can Be Complicated, but Critically Important

Many children in California are born out of wedlock. Oftentimes, this raises issues with regard to paternity. Why does this matter? For a number of reasons. To start, a child will likely want to know the identity of his or her father. Additionally, child support…

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Sep 05, 2018
Cianci Law Start of School Can Give Rise to Family Law Issues

School is back in session, which means that children are reclaiming their school year routines as they become anxious and excited for what the year ahead has to offer. For parents, this can be a particularly stressful time of year for many reasons. One of…

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Aug 29, 2018
Distinguishing Between Community and Separate Property

Divorce, while serving as an official way to end what was once a romantic relationship, is also a financial transaction. Splitting couples must find a way to divide their assets and debts, lest they want a judge to have a final say so on the…

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Aug 28, 2018
Creating a Prenuptial Agreement for the Second Time Around

Perhaps you married in haste the first time or just grew apart over the years. The divorce was complicated, and you wish there had been a prenuptial agreement in place. Still, you moved forward with your life and are about to marry again. This time,…

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Aug 24, 2018
We Handle Challenging Child Custody and Visitation Issues

Recently on the blog, we discussed domestic violence and the effect it can have on children. This is no small issue, as it affects thousands upon thousands of California families. Many of those individuals who find themselves in a situation where domestic violence occurs may…

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Aug 16, 2018
Angelina Jolie Seeks Increased Child Support from Brad Pitt

If you follow entertainment news at all, then you're probably aware that superstar actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are amidst a contentious divorce. The filing came after an incident on an airplane that involved Jolie's son and Pitt, who had been adopted by Pitt.…

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Aug 09, 2018
What Counts as Income for Child Support Calculations?

Married or unmarried, caring for a child can be costly. Therefore, it is important that these costs are still addressed when parents are no longer in a relationship Child support can play an integral role in ensuring that a child is provided with the financial…

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Aug 03, 2018
Domestic Violence Can Have a Strong Impact on Children

Domestic abuse is an issue that is talked about too infrequently in our society. Every day, men, women, and children are subjected to physical, verbal and emotional abuse that can have a tremendous impact. Studies estimate that upwards of four million children are at risk…

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Jul 26, 2018
Millennials Pursuing More Prenuptial Agreements

As younger generations grow older, the way marriage is defined changes. While same-sex marriage is now legal, even what was once considered "traditional" marriage has evolved over time. For example, in the vast majority of cases, it used to be that a man worked outside…

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Jul 24, 2018
Becoming the Legal Guardian of Your Grandchild

Your grandchild has been staying with you while your son or daughter has been working on becoming stable. The other parent is not in the picture right now, so you are the only one who can provide what your grandchild needs. However, because you are…

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