Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Jun 21, 2023
The Importance of Estate Planning for Business Owners

As a business owner, you have put countless hours, effort, and money into building your business. However, have you considered what would happen to your business if you were suddenly unable to manage it due to incapacity or death? This is where estate planning comes…

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May 09, 2023
Mother Looking at Baby What to Know About Custody for Newborns

Establishing legal custody for a newborn baby can be an emotionally challenging and legally complex process. There is not a set standard of custody agreements for newborns, rather a range of factors the court takes into consideration when determining the best outcome for everyone involved.…

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Mar 31, 2023
Tips for a Civil Custody Handoff

A divorce is one of a family's most challenging experiences, and managing child custody arrangements can prove to be an added challenge. The process of custody transitions, where the child is handed over from one parent to another, can be a stressful time for children…

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Mar 31, 2023
Getting Your Custody Agreement Ready for Summer

Summertime is a special season for children—there are no classes to attend, and the days are longer and filled with more opportunities for fun. But for divorced parents who share custody, it can be a stressful time of year when more preparation is required. In…

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Mar 02, 2023
Important Divorce Terminology You Should Know in California

Going through a divorce can be an overwhelming experience. It is important to have a good understanding of the different terms associated with the process. This blog will provide readers more insight into terminology related to divorce proceedings so they are better informed when filing…

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Feb 02, 2023
What Questions Should You Ask a Divorce Attorney?

Meeting with a divorce attorney for the first time can be an intimidating experience. You are deciding to end your marriage, and now you have to navigate legal discussions. However, by asking a few questions, you can feel more prepared for this process. Basic Questions…

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Feb 02, 2023
Are There Benefits to Filing for Divorce?

For many years, divorce was considered taboo in our society. In fact, people would choose to stay in unhappy marriages rather than separate. However, times have changed and people are now more open to the idea of divorce. There are several benefits of filing for…

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Jan 30, 2023
Single Parent Can You Modify a Parenting Plan without Going to Court?

Can You Modify a Child Custody Order Without Going to Court? Child custody can be a point of contention and concern for California couples during a divorce. Even if a couple’s marriage has eroded to the point of hostility, it isn’t uncommon for both partners…

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Jan 09, 2023
7 Behaviors to Watch Out for in Children of Divorce

What Behaviors Should Parents Look Out for in Children of Divorce? Divorce is rarely easy. Even couples who are fortunate enough to end their marriage on amicable terms aren’t immune to the stressors of divorce, not to mention the financial and emotional hardships of the…

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Jan 03, 2023
Is January Divorce Month?

Every January, divorce filings nationwide spike as couples come to terms with the fact that their marriage is no longer feasible. This month-long surge has made January a well-known divorce month, but what are the underlying causes? Let’s dive into this phenomenon and explore the…

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