Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Jul 19, 2018
We May Be Able to Help You with Child Support Modification

It's no secret that divorce can be expensive. For many Californians, the financial impact of marriage dissolution can be equated to ripping off a bandage. Sure, it is painful at first, but the excitement of starting a new chapter in one's life and restructuring one's…

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Jul 13, 2018
Child Support and Medical Support

If you have children, then you know they can be expensive. During the course of marriage, or when unmarried couples remain together, these costs can typically be managed amongst two incomes. In the event of divorce or a breakup, though, arguments can arise as to…

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Jul 06, 2018
Cianci Law Protect Digital Devices to Avoid Complex Divorce Issues

On its face, divorce seems relatively easy. Two parties who were once in love decide to end their relationship, divide their property, and go their separate ways. Although some marriage dissolutions are that straightforward, the vast majority of them are much more complicated. One reason…

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Jul 03, 2018
How Will I Support Myself After My Divorce?

For many women facing divorce, one of the first crucial questions that needs an answer is the question of financial stability after the process is over. If you have stayed at home to raise your children or otherwise have not worked during your marriage, you…

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Jun 28, 2018
Find a Competent Advocate to Assist You with Alimony Issues

Marriage dissolution can have serious financial ramifications for Californians. One reason is because what was once one household being supported on two incomes must become two households supported by the same income. This can be challenging for a number of reasons, and it can affect…

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Jun 21, 2018
More Women Being Ordered to Pay Alimony

Alimony, also referred to as spousal support, can play a pivotal role in one's post-divorce life. This steady stream of income, often paid on a monthly basis, can help ensure that a divorced individual who forewent a career and educational opportunities in order to raise…

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Jun 14, 2018
Prenuptial Agreements and Social Media Clauses

Before tying the knot, Californians have a variety of matters that they need to carefully consider. Amongst these is the possibility of entering into a prenuptial agreement. These arrangements, entered into by parties on the verge of marriage, dictate how critical legal issues will be…

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Jun 07, 2018
Cianci Law Some of the Issue Unique to Military Divorce

Although many Californians who are going through divorce have to deal with similar legal issues, the facts usually dictate the approach to these matters. For example, those divorces that involve a member of the military may have to deal with additional property division issues, such…

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Jun 01, 2018
Competent Representation Needed to Avoid Bad Family Law Outcomes

If you're reading this blog, then you're probably in the midst of, or considering divorce. Merely thinking about taking such action takes courage and recognition that your relationship may not be best for you and your children. As you're probably well aware, though, initiating a…

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May 30, 2018
3 Tips for Creating a Bulletproof Prenup

Prenuptial agreements are beneficial for every couple. Contrary to popular belief, they are not only for the rich and famous. Whether you are a blue-collar worker or a multimillionaire, it is a good idea to sign a prenup before your marriage. Not every prenup is…

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