Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Jan 31, 2018
3 Common Prenup Mistakes to Avoid

Are you looking to sign a prenuptial agreement? If so, you are not alone. Many couples these days are looking to protect their financial interests in marriage. Talking about finances with your fiance may be challenging, but it is a beneficial endeavor if you ever…

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Jan 25, 2018
Child Custody, Visitation, and the Parenting Agreement

Depending on the parties involved and the issues at hand, divorce can either be highly contentious or amicably resolved with little need for court intrusion. However, simply because a couple gets along does not mean that they can relax during the divorce process. Those who…

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Jan 18, 2018
There May Be Many Signs of Potential Divorce

The New Year often brings with it a slew of divorce filings. Disgruntled spouses often try to tough out the holidays so that their children can enjoy one last season with both parents together as a family. Yet, while many Californians have already made up…

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Jan 12, 2018
We Know How to Find Evidence to Support Your Child Custody Case

Family dynamics can vary significantly depending on the people involved, their financial circumstances, and any number of other factors. When it comes to divorce, these dynamics can have a significant impact on how certain issues are addressed. For example, as we discussed last week, those…

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Jan 05, 2018
Domestic Violence Can Impact Child Custody Matters

Domestic violence is far more common than most Californians realize. Too many individuals, both male and female, are exposed to physical violence, as well as verbal and emotional aggression that leaves them seriously harmed, afraid for their safety, and forever damaged. Making matters worse is…

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Dec 30, 2017
3 Tips for Finding a Good Surrogate Mother

Pursuing surrogacy is one option for starting or expanding your family. If you are considering getting a surrogate mother during your journey of parenthood, you may find the process exciting yet overwhelming. The choice to have a child through surrogacy is a huge decision that…

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Dec 28, 2017
The Various Penalties for Nonpayment of Child Support

Regardless of whether a Californian is on the receiving or paying end of child support, the matter can become quite difficult. Custodial parents may struggle when they fail to receive the support they are owed, and noncustodial parents may find themselves facing their own financial…

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Dec 21, 2017
California’s Laws on Surrogacy Agreements

When one party of a California couple either chooses or is unable to have a biological child, they may find themselves despairing that they will be unable to create the family of which they always dreamed. Yet, there are other ways that an individual or…

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Dec 15, 2017
We Provide Aggressive Advocacy in All Family Law Matters

Although Californians enter marriages with the best intentions and the hope that it will last forever, there are numerous reasons why these relationships may come to an end. Some couples struggle to overcome financial difficulties, while infidelity may ruin the trust amongst others. For other…

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Dec 07, 2017
What Are the Processes Involved in Obtaining Guardianship?

Throughout California, there is a significant number of children in need of a caring, loving, and stable home. Far too often, for whatever reason, these children are unable to receive such a home from their parents. Although some of these children are adopted by relatives,…

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