Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Dec 05, 2017
3 Mistakes to Avoid During Child Custody Litigation

Going through a child custody battle may be one of the most stressful experiences of your life. You may feel like everything is on the line. In your heart, you feel like you deserve as much custody or visitation as possible. But how you conduct…

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Nov 30, 2017
The Ways a Prenuptial Agreement Can Be Found Invalid

As we have discussed previously on this blog, deciding to get married is much more than an emotional decision, as it can also have significant financial ramifications. In essence, those who choose to get married are choosing to split all property and put themselves in…

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Nov 23, 2017
How to Secure Grandparent Visitation in California

Family dynamics can change over time, and no two families are exactly alike. Therefore, when family law issues arise, whether, through a divorce or ending a non-marital relationship, the parties to the case need an individualized approach. When the court makes determinations on important family…

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Nov 16, 2017
We Funnel Emotions into Strong Family Law Arguments

A few weeks ago we discussed the legal importance of paternity. Whether you think you are the father of a child and want to secure your father's rights or a mother looking to collect child support, this issue can be crucial to you and your…

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Nov 16, 2017
3 Reasons You Should Consider Creating a Postnuptial Agreement

A postnuptial agreement, also known as a postnup, is a marital contract that outlines the division of assets in the event of divorce. But if you did not sign a prenuptial (prenup) agreement before marriage, why would you consider signing something similar after marriage? There…

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Nov 09, 2017
How to Respond to a Divorce Petition

Being served with a divorce petition can have any number of effects on an individual. For some, the act is expected and perhaps even welcomed. Others, though, may find themselves shocked that their spouse has filed for divorce. Regardless of how an individual feels, he…

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Nov 02, 2017
Common Reasons for the End of a Marriage

Although divorce can arise out of any number of circumstances, there are a few common themes. One of the most common reasons for divorce, for example, is infidelity. Although many think of this as meaning a physical relationship, infidelity can involve emotional relationships, too. Individuals…

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Oct 26, 2017
Guardianship Assistance May Be Available to Those Who Qualify

Previously on this blog, we discussed how guardianship differs from adoption. For many California families, a guardianship makes sense. It allows a child to obtain a safe and stable home while at the same time preserving parental rights. Although most, if not all, parental responsibilities…

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Oct 20, 2017
What Is Paternity and Why Is It Important?

When it comes to family law issues, most individuals consider issues regarding their children to be the most important. Whether an individual is dealing with child custody and visitation, child support, or even property division, thinking of one's children can reshape how these critical issues…

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Oct 12, 2017
Consider Legal Help for Untangling Divorce Legal Issues

No matter how it comes about, marriage dissolution can throw an individual's life into disarray. What was once a cohesive family unit is suddenly splintered, leaving individuals looking for stability in their post-divorce lives. There are many issues that can reshape one's life after marriage,…

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