Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Aug 10, 2017
How Can a California Guardianship Be Terminated?

For one reason or another, many California parents find themselves unable to parent their children, or a court deems them unable to do so. In these situations, there are essentially two options. The first is adoption, which permanently severs a parent's legal rights to his…

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Aug 07, 2017
How Spousal Support Works in California

Alimony ranks among the top hot-button issues in many California divorces. Spouses with high incomes worry about burdensome payments, while lower-earning spouses worry about not getting enough. A valid prenuptial agreement can settle the issue of support payments well in advance. Unlike child support, couples…

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Aug 04, 2017
When Is It Appropriate to Seek a Child Support Modification?

Ending a relationship, particularly if it is through a divorce, can wreak financial havoc on an individual's life. Sure, these individuals have to find a way to divide their assets and figure out whether alimony is appropriate, but they might also have to deal with…

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Jul 28, 2017
Child Custody and the Best Interests of the Child Standard

Child custody is one of those family law issues that is never truly resolved. Whether you are preparing for divorce, figuring out parenting time with your child's other parent, or seeking to either obtain more parenting time or restrict your child's other parent's visitation, you…

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Jul 21, 2017
Divorce Becoming More Acceptable Amongst Americans

Many Americans are in troubled marriages. Whether financial hardships have damaged the underlying relationship between spouses, infidelity has collapsed any trust, or the couple has simply grown apart, many of these individuals find themselves considering divorce. Although this act was once considered a taboo step…

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Jul 14, 2017
Roseville Firm Helping Californians Through Divorce

If you are going through a divorce or are considering initiating the process, then you've probably got a lot on your mind. You might worry about your financial future, your emotional well-being, and the effect marriage dissolution may have on your children. These are all…

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Jul 09, 2017
Routine and Consistency Help Children Adjust to Two Homes

It goes without saying that after your divorce, your children may feel uneasy. You and your ex-spouse will need to reassure your offspring that although you are now living apart, you are still their parents and you will always love them. You will probably have…

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Jul 06, 2017
How to Talk About a Prenuptial Agreement

Marriage is, of course, about love, friendship, and companionship. But it is also about finances. When couples decide to tie the knot, they oftentimes intertwine their assets and liabilities, which can significantly complicate matters should the relationship sour. Property division and alimony disputes can leave…

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Jun 30, 2017
Do Not Wait to Modify a Spousal Support Order in California

Sometimes, when a person in California is ordered to pay spousal support, they dutifully do so for months or even years. However, as the adage goes, "Always expect the unexpected." For example, a sudden job loss or extended illness could make it difficult to pay…

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Jun 22, 2017
Tri-Parenting May Be an Option for Some California Families

Families in California these days come in all shapes and sizes. This is especially true if a child is born via surrogacy or sperm donation. This can lead to what is known as "tri-parenting" - situations in which a child will be deemed to legally…

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