Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Apr 28, 2017
Are More People Getting Social Media Prenups?

Indeed, more couples are waiting longer to tie the knot. And when they do, they tend to consider prenuptial agreements that include a variety of clauses unheard of in the past. With today’s post, we will highlight the trend of social media prenuptial agreements. Yes…you…

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Apr 06, 2016
Keep Your Retirement in Mind When Going Through a Divorce

When emotions are running high and you are thinking about ending your marriage, it can be easy to forget the practical considerations to which you need to be paying attention. In addition to common concerns - such as child custody and child support - you…

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Feb 25, 2016
What to Know Before You Move

Anytime you're considering a move, there are plenty of pros and cons to think about. However, when you are divorced with children and under the provisions of a custody order, it can make things even more complicated. Learn more about how moving can impact your…

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Feb 19, 2016
Will Your Facebook Profile Stay Private in Divorce?

When you and your spouse decide to split up, you may try to create distance on social media. You could "unfriend" your spouse and adjust your privacy settings. But does it really mean that your profile is going to stay private? First of all, just…

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Feb 12, 2016
What Should I Know About Domestic Partnerships?

While the legalization of same-sex marriage has caused domestic partnerships to go by the wayside to some degree, some couples are still not interested in having a legal marriage but do wish to have certain benefits. Entering into a domestic partnership is one option for…

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Jan 18, 2016
What Does the Judicial Council Do in California for Divorce?

Family law is the law in California pertaining to divorce. It covers such things as mediation, property distribution, and debt distribution. It also involves child support and custody issues. The authorities were on point when they passed laws that set up committees and groups of…

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Jan 14, 2016
Why Solid Surrogacy Agreements Are Essential

Surrogacy has become an increasingly common means of having a child for people who otherwise wouldn't be able to. People choose surrogacy for a variety of reasons. For example, some women can't or shouldn't get pregnant for health reasons or because of their age. Same-sex male…

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Jan 07, 2016
Which Parent Claims the Child for Tax Purposes?

There are several qualifications that must be met for a child to be claimed as a dependent. These include relationship to the provider and the child's age. However, the child must also meet certain residency requirements with the parent trying to claim the child as…

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Dec 28, 2015
What Will Happen to Separate Property in a Child Custody Issue?

There are many issues that come up and are intertwined when you get a divorce. If you are in the process of separating and you have children, it gets even more complicated. If you are trying to get separate property out of the divorce, having…

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Dec 18, 2015
Actors Seem to Have Amicably Reached Divorce Settlement

Even our readers who have little interest in Hollywood types likely are familiar with high-profile couple Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas. The two actors, married almost 20 years ago, announced their break-up last year. Now the couple's divorce has been finalized, and the divorce papers…

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