Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Aug 07, 2015
Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton Divorce After 4 Years

On July 20, one of country music's favorite couples announced that they had divorced. Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton met when they performed together for CMT in 2005 and were married in 2011. Both saw new career highs in the years that followed, including being…

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Jul 31, 2015
Divorce Often Means Deciding Who Gets the Family Pet

Divorce means so much more than living separately and dividing assets and debt. It more often than not involves child custody and today, it can mean pet custody as well. In the past few years, couples are seeing their pets as "people" too. It really…

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Jul 29, 2015
California Supreme Court Ruling Clarifies When Separation Occurs

Often when a couple determines that their marriage is over, one moves out of the family home. In some cases, particularly when there are children involved, the two remain under one roof for a time. If the two are able to get along, this can…

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Jul 21, 2015
What’s the Difference Between a Closed and an Open Adoption?

There are many reasons that a family might choose to adopt a child, but it's important to understand that adoption can be a complicated legal matter. Understanding the two basic types of adoptions and the possible issues associated with each can help you be prepared for what's…

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Jul 16, 2015
Signing a Prenup Is a Must for Many Couples in California

Like no other time in your life, when planning a wedding it is easy to get wrapped up in the little details that will make the day memorable. It is easy to forget that you should not just be planning for one day - you…

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Jul 15, 2015
Requesting a Child Support Modification in California

If you are a divorced parent, whether custodial or non-custodial, a multitude of circumstances can change in the lives of you, your former spouse and/or your children. Any of these circumstances can warrant a change in the child support agreement you made during your divorce. The same…

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Jul 13, 2015
What Is a ‘Long Duration’?

They say that timing is everything. In the case of divorce between Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck, this seems to hold true. The two announced their break-up the day after their 10th wedding anniversary. They have agreed, so far, to co-parenting their three young children.…

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Jul 09, 2015
Protect Your Interests During Your High-Asset Divorce

In our previous blog post, we discussed some of the economic effects of divorce. For people who don't have a lot of assets, the impact of the divorce is often negligible. In those cases, the loss of a second income might have a bigger effect…

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Jul 02, 2015
The Economics of a Divorce

Divorce in California is often very emotional. Even if you want the split, you may still be sad to see your marriage dissolving, to see the end of what was once such a happy union. You may feel emotional about certain assets, like the first…

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Jun 29, 2015
Domestic Partnerships Get Shot in the Arm in the U.S.

Domestic partnerships got a shot in the arm last week when the United States Supreme Court gave the right for same-sex marriages to be recognized in all 50 states. That isn't where it all started, of course. It was back in 2004 when the then-mayor…

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