Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Mar 03, 2015
Settlement Stays the Same in Former Dodger Owner Divorce

Some of our readers in California might have been following the case of the former Los Angeles Dodgers owner's divorce. His ex-wife had appealed to the 2nd District Court of Appeals claiming that the $131 million settlement she was granted should have been blocked. She…

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Feb 27, 2015
Child Support Cases Are Often Complicated in California

When California couples decide to get a divorce, there are several factors that have to be considered. When children are involved in the divorce, matters like child custody and child support become important. Some of our readers might remember our post last week in which…

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Feb 20, 2015
Surrogate Mother on the Hook for Child Support

Many people by now have probably heard about Sherri Shepherd's divorce and the drama she is having because of the surrogate that was carrying a child she and her ex were supposed to raise together. A new development in that case might have some of…

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Feb 12, 2015
Understanding the Family Law Court in California

We discussed uncontested divorces in our blog post last week. That post, along with others, might have our California readers wondering how the family court process works in the state. Understanding the process and knowing what some of the basic terms mean might help you…

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Feb 03, 2015
An Uncontested Divorce Might Be Easier for You

Getting a divorce doesn't always have to be difficult. In fact, it is sometimes possible to work with an ex to get an uncontested divorce in California. In some cases, the mere unwillingness of a spouse to reply to notices can be enough to have…

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Jan 29, 2015
Keep Your Business Protected in Case of Divorce in California

High-asset divorces come with some very complex considerations. When one of the assets you own is a business, you have to ensure that your business is protected in case you divorce. There are some very specific ways that you can protect your business. Many of…

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Jan 22, 2015
High-Asset Divorce Cases Require Untangling of a Web of Assets

Seeing your marriage come to an end is a difficult sight, but for some people, that brings other issues into question. People who have considerable assets and those who have businesses often have a big headache in store. We can help you to untangle the…

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Jan 14, 2015
Divorce Questions Might Not Appear on Census Bureau Surveys

One thing that many people use to define certain trends in family structures is the information collected by the United States Census Bureau regarding marriage and divorce. Some people might think that this information is rather important, but new information coming from the U.S. Census…

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Jan 09, 2015
Can a Military Member Adopt a Stepchild in California?

For members of the military, forging meaningful relationships can be difficult. For that reason, a person who builds a loving relationship with a stepchild might ultimately decide that he or she would like to try to adopt the child. There are several things that a…

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Jan 01, 2015
Family Law: ACTIVE Marriage Might Curb Divorce in Military

It is a widely accepted fact that military marriages are placed under a lot of strain. Time away from your spouse and frequent moves can make it difficult to build a stable marriage. That isn't to say that military marriages aren't going to make it.…

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