Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Oct 02, 2014
Firm and Fair Negotiations for High-Asset Divorce Disputes

Last week, we discussed how divorce can affect your financial status. While this might not be a concern for some people, it might be a top concern for others. The reasons why people might be concerned or not concerned vary, but the fact remains that…

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Sep 25, 2014
How Does Divorce Affect My Financial Status?

When you decide that your marriage is over, your thoughts likely go straight to filing for a divorce. For many couples, divorce is the only way that they can handle the situation. There are some very specific ways that divorce can affect filers' finances in…

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Sep 16, 2014
Basic Child Support Information for California Residents

Any parent who is raising a child alone knows how important it is for the other parent to help out financially. One way for this to happen is through the child support system. The California Department of Child Support Services is the agency that deals…

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Sep 12, 2014
Divorce, Annulment, Legal Separation: What Are the Differences?

Once you and your spouse decide that the relationship is over, you might wonder what your options are. In California, you have three options that you can pursue in this case. You can choose to get a divorce, a nullity or a legal separation. Each…

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Sep 05, 2014
Child Custody and Parenting Agreements in California

Most parents don't even want to think about having to go through the court system to be able to care for their child. For parents who are divorcing, going through that very procedure is part of the process. For parents in California, knowing what to…

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Aug 29, 2014
Ending a Domestic Partnership Requires Careful Planning

People who are in same-sex relationships sometimes find that those relationships take a turn for the worst. California is a state that is very friendly toward same-sex relationships. From same-sex marriages to domestic partnerships, people in a committed relationship are usually afforded the same rights…

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Aug 22, 2014
Elder Divorce Has Significant Considerations in California

Going through a divorce when you are over 50 years old can prove to be a very traumatic experience. While the emotional toll might be considerable, the financial toll can be horrible. When you are going into a divorce, there are some important factors to…

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Aug 15, 2014
California Ranked as One of Worst 7 States for Divorce

If you are thinking about getting a divorce in California, you might have reached the point where you just have to do whatever it takes to get it done. That is likely what it will take when you consider that California is one of the…

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Aug 08, 2014
Partner and Spousal Support Are Complex Matters in California

When you are going through a divorce, you might have some concerns about how it will impact you financially. This is especially true if your spouse has been the breadwinner. In California, some people who are getting divorced, and even some who were in a…

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Aug 01, 2014
Divorce Is a Time of Reinvention and Dream Realization

When most people think about starting over after a divorce, they probably think of having to start from scratch. That, however, isn't always the way that people going through a divorce should think. For people in California, there are a plethora of opportunities to put…

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