Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Dec 20, 2013
With Fewer Women Having Children, Divorce May Be Much Easier

Although the end of a marriage is never easy, many of us in Roseville have heard that the most complex, the most emotional and the hardest part of any separation is negotiating child custody and child support. Few parents want to be separated from their…

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Dec 20, 2013
State of California Launches Free Child Support App

CA Child Support App Technology has infiltrated nearly every aspect of the lives of individuals residing in Placer County, including child support matters. This is illustrated by the recent launch of an app designed to make it easy for parents in California to check the…

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Dec 06, 2013
Marriage and Divorce: Does the Whole System Need an Overhaul?

With divorce rates as high as they are, many people are beginning to question the entire institution of marriage. One common critique is that our current system of laws makes it too easy to get married and too difficult to get a divorce. Should this be…

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Nov 25, 2013
Pet Custody Disputes Are a Growing Family Law Issue

During divorce, couples with significant assets may encounter disagreements about property division. In other cases, couples with kids may spend a lot of time and resources battling for child custody. But believe it or not, one of the bigger issues many divorcing couples face falls…

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Nov 21, 2013
The Holidays After Divorce: With Change Comes Opportunity

We're now just a week away from Thanksgiving, which many believe to be the start of the holiday season that can include Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year's. While the holidays are supposed to be joyous, they can be a real minefield for families that have…

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Nov 14, 2013
How Did Controversial International Custody Case Get So Complex?

Media outlets all over the nation are currently reporting on a story that has been characterized as the worst nightmare of every divorced parent. The story involves two little girls whose mother illegally took her children to Argentina to live after an American judge ruled…

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Nov 08, 2013
Choosing Healthy Coping Mechanisms During a Difficult Divorce

There are many situations and events in life that are major stressors and may require us to grieve; including divorce. Many people seek counseling or similar help after the death of a loved one or while going through a personal illness. But fewer are those…

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Oct 30, 2013
Same-Sex Marriage Legal in CA, but Some Judges Slow to Catch Up

We have previously written about the unique issues gay and lesbian couples face during family law disputes. The fate of same-sex marriage in California was uncertain until the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling earlier this year. But even with same-sex marriage now firmly established as legal,…

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Oct 25, 2013
Addressing Retirement Account Division During Divorce

If you and your spouse have recently decided to end your marriage, you will almost assuredly be forced to make a host of financial, relationship and situational decisions affected by the impending divorce within the coming weeks and months. One of the most important decisions…

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Oct 17, 2013
Reality TV’s Top Socialite Couple Seeking Divorce with No Prenup

California is the land of celebrities, which means high-profile marriages and even higher-profile divorces. These days, it is almost unheard of for celebrities to get married without having a prenuptial agreement in place, but it does occasionally happen. And when it does, speculations run wild…

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