Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Jun 16, 2022
When To Update Your Estate Plan

Update your estate plan every 3 to 5 years or whenever you experience a life event. Although most people create their first estate plan when they get married or have a child, you should create your first estate plan when you turn 18. Every adult…

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Jun 09, 2022
Is International Surrogacy Legal?

According to the BBC, “there are no internationally recognised laws for surrogacy,” which means international surrogacy is a legal grey area. While surrogacy is legal in the United States, countries like Spain, France, and Italy prohibit all forms of surrogacy, and commercial surrogacy (paying the…

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Jun 02, 2022
Do Prenups Positively Impact Marriages?

When most people consider a prenuptial agreement, they immediately assume that it is a sign that a marriage is doomed to fail. However, this common misconception could not be further from the truth. Prenups actually have a lot of benefits for couples and can help…

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May 16, 2022
U.S. Gun Violence Is on the Rise

According to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), gun violence is on the rise. From 2019 to 2020, firearm homicide rates grew by nearly 35%, and guns were involved in 79% of all homicides in 2020. Suicides involving firearms remained…

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May 02, 2022
What Does Limited Scope Representation Mean?

The term, “limited scope representation,” means that your lawyer will handle some parts of your case, and you will handle others by yourself. Instead of asking your lawyer to handle all aspects of your case, from start to finish, you can ask for help with…

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Apr 29, 2022
Adopting When Single

Being a single parent is not an uncommon phenomenon. But what about when you choose to become a single parent through adoption? This is a route to parenthood that many individuals consider, but may feel overwhelming to some at first. However, it is completely possible…

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Apr 29, 2022
Adoptive Parents & Divorce

It is no secret that the divorce process can take its toll on children. They are faced with changes to their family unit, routines, and surrounding environments. However, this process may be even more challenging for adopted children and their parents. Losing the feeling of…

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Apr 18, 2022
Are Same-Sex Divorces Different?

Are Same-Sex Divorces Different? Legally speaking, gay and lesbian couples have the same rights as straight couples, so there should be nothing “different” about same-sex divorces. Nevertheless, there are some special considerations in a same-sex divorce, including establishing parental rights, determining the length of your…

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Apr 04, 2022
What if I Don’t Believe in Divorce?

We encounter many clients who want to end their marriages but don’t believe in divorce. We also see our fair share of people who don’t believe in divorce but have been served with divorce papers, anyways. If you want to end your marriage but do…

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Apr 01, 2022
The Best Interests of Children Defined

After deciding to file for a divorce, there are a lot of things that you will have to attend to. If you have children, it will be of the utmost importance to have a custody agreement and parenting plan that attends to their needs. In…

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