Author Archives: Melissa D. Cianci

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Sep 07, 2021
The Importance of the Surrogacy Agreement

Surrogacy is an amazing feat of modern medicine, and it has given many couples the ability to expand their families in a way that was before its creation an impossibility. While surrogacy has many positives, it can still be a source of stress and frustration.…

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Sep 01, 2021
Adoption Q&A: Birth Mother’s Rights in California

Adoption is a complex process with many intricacies. Adoptive parents work with experienced adoption attorneys and professionals to ease the process and know their rights. However, the adopted child’s birth mother also has a right to know specific information and change their minds. Creative Family…

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Sep 01, 2021
Step-Parent Adoption in California

Marrying into a family is a beautiful process. Not only do you gain a new life partner, but you also could potentially gain new relationships with step-children. While it is not a requirement to adopt your step-children, some individuals feel led to solidify the parental…

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Aug 22, 2021
Can I Appeal My Custody Decision?

The decision in a family court case can be very emotional, especially when it doesn’t go the way you’d hope. While a family court decision can be appealed, it’s a very difficult process with hard deadlines and hurdles to overcome. It’s strongly advised that parents…

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Aug 15, 2021
Can I Still Have a Baby Via Surrogacy During the Pandemic?

The surrogacy process has changed to adjust to these changing times during a pandemic. Many of these changes have been difficult for new families and surrogates, but the importance of the process and the creation of new life make the challenges worth it. Advances in…

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Aug 11, 2021
How to Identify Signs of Stress in Children After Divorce

Helping Your Child Adjust After Divorce Divorce carries a heavy emotional toll for adults and children alike. If you feel stressed or unlike yourself after your divorce, your child may share similar emotions. Here’s how you can identify signs of stress and help your child…

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Jul 19, 2021
A Quick Look at the Most Common Types of Trusts

Financial planning is an important reason why many people create an estate plan. There are so many options available for those working to put together the pieces of their estate plan. When you start planning, your attorney may start mentioning the benefits of creating a…

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Jul 04, 2021
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Drafting Your Prenup

Prenups are viewed negatively, and for some couples, it can completely derail their engagements and put their forthcoming wedding day in jeopardy. With couples waiting longer to get married, parties are coming into their marriages with more financial interests than previous generations. Many people refrain…

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Jun 23, 2021
How To Create A Parenting Plan

Tips to Create a Parenting Plan In cases of child custody, parenting plans have a lot of benefits. They can help you and your ex communicate effectively, avoid conflict, and keep your goals for your child in mind for every decision. Let’s discuss how to…

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Jun 19, 2021
Has Covid-19 Changed the Way We View Estate Planning?

Despite the strain and stress of social distancing during the pandemic on families across the country, it hasn’t impressed the need for advanced health care directives on the average American. A poll of 2000 adult seniors ages 50 to 80 was conducted after the height…

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