Yearly Archives: 2020

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Sep 18, 2020
Three Tips For Divorcing A High-Conflict Spouse

Typically, every divorce will bring about some degree of conflict between the parting factions. That said, certain individuals are more prone to conflict and drama than others. Here are some tips to keep in mind regarding how a divorcing spouse can survive this difficult process…

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Sep 14, 2020
Forensic Accountants & High Asset Divorce

High asset divorce involves the division of a significant number of marital properties, from multiple houses or a diverse investment portfolio to even businesses and professional practices. This type of divorce is generally complex because the couple must properly determine each assets’ value and divide them accordingly. However, it is not…

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Aug 17, 2020
Types of Adoption in California

California has a couple different adoption processes for prospective parents, depending on the type of adoption they seek to pursue. In today’s blog, we will discuss the steps for an independent or agency adoption, as well as the crucial steps for a stepparent adoption, including…

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Aug 07, 2020
Dangers of DIY Divorces

Divorce is a process no one wants to prepare for or even think about, especially in a marriage that seems to have either just begun or has lasted for several years. Perhaps you find yourself in a situation where divorce may be the only way…

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Aug 07, 2020
The Steps to Changing an Existing Child Custody Order

If you have been cooperating with your child’s other parent under the terms of a child custody agreement that has been in place for some time, you may have reason to change some elements of a plan that your child has outgrown. In our latest blog, we…

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Jul 22, 2020
Four Warning Signs That Your Spouse May Be Hiding Assets During Divorce

Divorce can often be a complicated process, and what contributes most to its complexity is dividing up marital assets. Because California is a community property state, property is divided equally between spouses. You might think this would make the process much simpler than in an equitable…

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Jul 15, 2020
Contested Vs. Uncontested Divorce: Which is the Best Option for You?

Going through a divorce isn’t easy no matter what the circumstances are. There are two primary methods of divorce that you may choose to go through — contested and uncontested. Depending on the nature of your divorce, one option may be better over the other.…

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Jul 06, 2020
Getting Divorced? Make Sure You Update Your Estate Plan.

Whether you are recently divorced or still in the midst of the process, don’t forget that your estate plan should change with this important life event. No one will blame you for wanting to avoid involvement with more lawyers right now, but consider what it would mean…

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Jun 10, 2020
3 Tips To Budget for Child Support

It can be difficult adjusting to life after divorce. One of the biggest challenges for divorced parents is figuring out how to be fiscally responsible, especially when factors such as child support and alimony are involved. We’re offering our top tips for organizing a budget…

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May 26, 2020
How Does a Judge Determine Child Custody?

If you are divorcing your spouse and share children, one of the key issues you must settle is child custody. When family courts determine child custody, they examine several factors to assess what would serve the best interests of the children. Continue reading to learn…

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