Yearly Archives: 2020

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May 08, 2020
Help! My Ex Isn’t Paying Child Support

For whatever reason, your ex has stopped making child support. You may be in a financial position where this missing support does lead to immediate or severe consequences for your family. You may have to cut back on certain purchases or say “no” to your…

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May 06, 2020
The Benefits of Choosing Divorce Mediation

Divorce can be a bit messy and extremely taxing on an emotional level, especially when spouses go through the litigation process. Divorce litigation can be incredibly time-consuming, expensive, and leave all parties involved with too many wounded feelings. If you have children, you might even find…

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Apr 23, 2020
What You Need to Know About Child Support in California

The amount of money ordered by a California family court for a parent or both parents to pay is known as child support. It will usually be paid to you if you are the custodial parent. You will often receive monthly child support payments. It…

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Apr 20, 2020
How Job Losses Impact Your Child Support Agreement

When you experience a major life change like losing your job, you may be afraid of how you are going to financially support your family and yourself. If you have lost your job as a result of COVID-19 and are therefore unable to make child…

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Mar 31, 2020
What Should I Include in a Prenuptial Agreement?

If you are planning to get married and agreed to create a prenuptial agreement with your fiancé, you must now tackle the task of understanding what should be included in this crucial legal document. Every couple’s circumstances are unique and, therefore, to ensure your prenuptial…

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Mar 30, 2020
Court Closures

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented about of uncertainty in the world. Our courts are no exception. Perhaps you’ve read the news and wonder if the courts in California are considered “essential” under Governor Newsome’s stay at home order. Perhaps you’ve tried calling…

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Mar 10, 2020
Co-Parenting After Divorce

Raising children can be a challenge for anyone, but it is especially difficult for divorced parents. If you went through a particularly hostile split, you may still be harboring some resentments, which can get in the way of your ability to effectively co-parent. Regardless of…

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Feb 25, 2020
Divorce vs. Legal Separation: Which Is Right for Me?

Nobody says “I do” with the intention of splitting up, but the reality is that many couples separate and divorce every year. In California, couples have the option of filing for a divorce or getting a legal separation. These two options both result in the couple living separately…

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Feb 12, 2020
Stigmas Around Divorce and How to Get Past Them

Parties experiencing difficulties in their marriage are bombarded from every direction with opinions and advice. Family and friends, although well-meaning, sometimes do more harm than good, projecting their own personal values and beliefs into a situation they know little - or nothing - about. Society…

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Feb 10, 2020
4 Common Surrogacy Myths Debunked

Whether you are interested in becoming a surrogate mother or growing your family through surrogacy, you might have the wrong impression about surrogacy without even knowing. There are a lot of myths out there about surrogacy laws and the surrogacy process, but we’re here to clear…

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