We discussed how important it is to have firm and fair negotiations when you have a high-asset divorce case in last week’s blog. This week, news of the Arnold Schwarzenegger-Maria Shriver divorce really hits that point home. Most of our readers probably know that the couple hasn’t been together since May of 2011 when it was discovered that Schwarzenegger was having an affair with the housekeeper. That affair led to the birth of a child.
It was later reported Shriver was also having a secret relationship. She denied the accusations that she was seeing Schwarzenegger’s former campaign strategist during her marriage.
It is being reported that the couple is in the last stages of the three-year divorce process. The couple is said to be dividing a $400 million fortune. The couple has been arguing over the money earned during their 25-year marriage. It seems as though this family law battle is coming to an end with the reports that the couple is being civil and have reached an agreement on how to divide their assets.
Now that the actor and journalist are in these final stages, they can begin to look forward to the day when the divorce will be finalized. While they have each begun new lives already, that day will likely signal the official start of a new chapter for each of them.
Anyone who is going through a divorce in California knows that the process can take some time. Knowing your rights and responsibilities might help you to avoid unnecessary delays. As you go through the process, you should have your questions answered quickly so you can make informed decisions at each stage of the family law process.
Source: Design & Trend, “Maria Shriver Appears Happy, Finalizes Divorce From Arnold Schwarzenegger” Marika Kazimierska, Sep. 30, 2014
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