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Dec 02, 2020
Is Property Split 50/50 in a California Divorce?

When couples start the divorce process, one of the biggest issues to resolve is determining what happens to their marital property. Many often wonder whether the property they have accumulated during their marriage will be evenly divided or if there is another route they can…

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Nov 23, 2020
When Is Supervised Visitation Necessary?

How California Courts Protect Children and Their Relationships with Their Parents California courts are devoted to protecting the best interest of children. In certain cases, the matter can be a difficult balancing act as they consider the child’s wellbeing and happiness, as well as their…

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Nov 10, 2020
What to Include in Your Postnuptial Agreement

Protecting Your Assets After Your Wedding A postnuptial agreement, much like a prenup, protects a spouse’s finances and assets in the event of a divorce. While the documents differ based on when they are drafted and signed, they accomplish similar goals. When Should I Draft My Postnup? There…

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Nov 05, 2020
3 Activities To Do With Your Kids After a Divorce

Divorce can be a painful and confusing time in a family’s life. It's normal for children to experience a roller coaster of emotions — from sadness, loss, hurt and anger, to confusion, guilt, and abandonment. Every child manages in their own way and heals at…

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Oct 22, 2020
Healing From Divorce

Life is never easy, and going through a divorce can just make it that much more difficult. Regardless of whether the decision was yours or not, it can be painful. Those emotions don't just go away. It drags on as you live separate lives and…

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Oct 15, 2020
How to Help an Adopted Child Assimilate into Your Family

Welcoming Another Child Adoption is an exciting adventure for all parties involved. When welcoming a new child into your family, however, it’s important to be aware of how difficult adjusting to a new environment and daily life can be at first. With compassionate understanding and thoughtful…

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Oct 05, 2020
What Rights Do Gestational Parents Have in Surrogacy?

Giving a Couple the Gift of Life Without Sacrificing Your Rights Since being officially legalized in 2013 in California, surrogacy has shared the gift of parenthood with couples who were otherwise unable to bring a baby into the world. Before beginning the medical procedure and parental planning,…

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Sep 28, 2020
Stepparent Adoption in California

When a stepparent adopts the minor child of their spouse, he/she gains all the rights and responsibilities of a biological parent in order to provide the child with support. According to California Family Code Section 9000, a stepparent—along with his/her spouse and biological parent of the child—may…

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Sep 18, 2020
Three Tips For Divorcing A High-Conflict Spouse

Typically, every divorce will bring about some degree of conflict between the parting factions. That said, certain individuals are more prone to conflict and drama than others. Here are some tips to keep in mind regarding how a divorcing spouse can survive this difficult process…

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Sep 14, 2020
Forensic Accountants & High Asset Divorce

High asset divorce involves the division of a significant number of marital properties, from multiple houses or a diverse investment portfolio to even businesses and professional practices. This type of divorce is generally complex because the couple must properly determine each assets’ value and divide them accordingly. However, it is not…

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