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Jan 04, 2019
New California Law Addresses Pets When a Couple Gets a Divorce

For California couples who are at the end of a marriage and are planning to divorce, there are many issues that will be of concern. This can be part of an extended dispute and delay the process while costing money and leading to emotions being…

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Dec 31, 2018
Dealing with the Consequences of Divorce Under the New Laws

If you were not able to finalize your divorce before midnight on New Year’s Eve, you will have to face the new laws that went into effect on Jan. 1, 2019. You have many concerns to address, especially if you and your spouse are dealing…

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Dec 27, 2018
What Are the Options to Respond When Receiving a Divorce Summons?

If a California marriage is heading towards divorce, the process will often begin with one spouse serving the other with a summons and petition to move forward with the process. Once the person has been served, there will be various pieces of information including restraining…

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Dec 20, 2018
What Happens If a Parent Falls Behind on Child Support?

Child Support in California The goal with spousal support and child support in California is for the former spouse to be able to survive and the best interests of the child to be met. With an order based on the child support guidelines, it is…

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Dec 14, 2018
Understanding Legal Custody and Physical Custody in California

California couples who are getting a divorce will want to have a major say in how their children are raised. That can often lead to a child custody dispute. Even in cases where the couple is amicable and able to hash out their differences without…

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Dec 06, 2018
How Is Quasi-Community Property Handled in Property Division?

At the end of a marriage in California, there will be many issues that could become the foundation for an extended dispute. People who are simply trying to move on with their lives and are hoping for a relatively quick and painless process could find…

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Dec 02, 2018
Prenuptial Agreements Are on the Rise, for Good Reason

It has taken a while, but many couples have figured out that having a prenuptial agreement is a sound idea. A prenup is not just for celebrities and the very wealthy. It establishes financial and property rights for couples in all income brackets and a…

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Nov 29, 2018
What Kind of Orders Are Possible with Visitation Rights?

When a California couple can no longer maintain their relationship and choose to part ways, having children and determining the custody and visitation rights can be one of the most difficult aspects to deal with. The primary factor is the best interests of the child,…

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Nov 22, 2018
What Will a Judge Consider with California Spousal Support?

Californians who are getting a divorce might have concerns about their finances for after the case is completed. One spouse might have been the breadwinner with the other spouse functioning as a stay-at-home spouse and parent. It could be that while both worked, one earned…

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Nov 15, 2018
Can I Get a Summary Dissolution?

In California, some couples disagree about almost every aspect of their divorce. In such instances, a trial is almost unavoidable. In others, the couple might not be outright hostile toward one another, but the divorce is complicated for some other reason. For some, however, the…

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