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May 24, 2018
Prenuptial Agreements When Family Wealth Is at Issue

Californians who are considering marriage usually have a lot on their minds. They may worry about the marriage ceremony itself, the coming together of two families, or even the expectation of a baby. However, another major and common concern amongst these individuals is money. Whether…

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May 17, 2018
Guardianships vs. Caregiver’s Authorization Affidavit

When a parent is unable to care for his or her child, it may become necessary to consider available legal options to ensure that the child is properly cared for. One of these options is legal guardianship. Through a child guardianship, an appointed guardian is…

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May 10, 2018
Child Custody, Visitation, and Parental Interference

Although money can be an important consideration in divorce, many Californians are most concerned about protecting their relationship with their children. Sometimes couples are able to resolve child custody and visitation issues through settlement negotiations. Other times the matter has to be litigated. Regardless of…

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May 04, 2018
Study Find Correlation Between Women’s Careers and Divorce

Divorce can be a difficult thing to cope with, especially when you are not the one who initiated it. You may find yourself confused, saddened, and angry. Many Californians also wind up asking themselves what went wrong with their relationship. Although there may be a…

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Apr 29, 2018
Tips for Reentering the Workforce After Divorce

Reentering the workforce after a long absence can be tough under the best of circumstances, but if you are trying to do so in the aftermath of a recent divorce, it can prove even more difficult. Often, one party in a marriage sacrifices his or…

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Apr 27, 2018
California Firm Helping Address Child Support Issues

Regardless of whether you're a custodial or noncustodial parent, the outcome of a child support dispute can shape the financial well-being of you and your child. As we discussed last week, there are limited circumstances under which child support can be stopped, but there are…

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Apr 20, 2018
Cianci Law Cessation and Modification of Child Support

Child support can be a massive financial obligation for Californians. This is especially true for those who have multiple children, children with extensive needs, and those who have an insignificant income. There are a variety of factors that can affect child support, many of which…

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Apr 12, 2018
The Importance of a Postnuptial Agreement

On this blog, we have discussed the importance of prenuptial agreements. This agreement is essentially a contract between two individuals entered into before marriage that spells out how their finances will be handled in the event of divorce. While it primarily deals with property division,…

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Apr 06, 2018
Contested Child Guardianship and Court Investigation

Sometimes, for whatever reason, parents find themselves in hard times. Whether this involves financial matters, mental health, substance abuse, or another issue that substantially affects one's ability to care for his or her children, alternative arrangements for the children's care may need to be sought.…

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Mar 30, 2018
How an Attorney Can Help with Surrogacy Agreements

Surrogacy can be a great way for a family to begin or expand their brood, especially when a woman is unable to carry a pregnancy on her own. While this arrangement can prove beneficial to all parties involved, the success of such an arrangement is…

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