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Mar 28, 2018
How Young Couples Can Benefit from Prenuptial Agreements

Chances are, you are not going to propose to someone, or accept a proposal if you have any doubts about having a successful, lifelong marriage, but modern divorce rates suggest that not all marriages last for the long haul. You may think that you do…

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Mar 22, 2018
Competent Legal Assistance When Dealing with Guardianship

Most people, including several experts, would agree that children need stability. Although stability includes having an established daily routine, in a broader sense it also means having a home that is consistent and that can provide them with the safe, loving, and nurturing environment they…

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Mar 16, 2018
Football-Related Head Injuries Lead to Custody Dispute

When Californians think of divorce, they often think of legal issues that are hotly contested, such as property division, alimony, and child custody. While these issues are often resolved through negotiations before litigation occurs, a divorce settlement is not necessarily permanent. Oftentimes couples have to…

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Mar 08, 2018
How to Reduce Divorce-Related Stress

It seems like nowadays no one is immune from divorce and other family law issues. Even those couples who at one time seemed inseparable can find themselves butting heads over the most mundane issues as their relationship unravels. Although some couples are able to work…

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Mar 08, 2018
What You Need to Know About Divorce Litigation

Today, one sees an increasing push for alternatives to litigation in many types of cases, including California divorces. It is true that resolving disagreements through means such as mediation can yield many benefits for you such as decreased stress levels, shorter timelines, and fewer costs.…

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Mar 01, 2018
Property Division May Affect One’s Credit

Oftentimes in divorce, parties find themselves most concerned about property division. This may include discussions about who will retain possession of the family home, vehicles, retirement accounts, and even items that carry sentimental value. The process of divvying up these assets can be tedious and…

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Feb 23, 2018
The Risks and Responsibilities of a Guardianship

Families can take a variety of shapes. While some are strictly biological in nature, others are built through legal processes like adoption. Guardianship is another way for individuals to provide a child in need with a safe and stable home, but many Californians are unfamiliar…

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Feb 15, 2018
California Firm Helping Draft Surrogacy Agreements

Despite living in the technological age, there are certain things that even the most cutting edge scientific approaches can't fully address. One of those issues is infertility. Many Californians suffer from infertility, and a significant number of those individuals find themselves worried about how to…

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Feb 09, 2018
Study Suggests Genetics May Play a Role in Divorce

There are a variety of factors that can contribute to divorce. Money woes, infidelity, poor communication, and even family tragedy can throw marital relationships into a tailspin. One factor many may not consider, though, is one's genetic makeup. Sure, researchers have known for years that…

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Feb 02, 2018
Child Support and the Income Withholding Order

Raising a child is extremely expensive. Even families with moderate incomes can face difficulty making ends meet, so when couples divorce and a custodial parent must suddenly burden all costs associated with raising a child, one's financial situation can become dire. Fortunately, the state of…

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