Oftentimes in divorce, parties find themselves most concerned about property division. This may include discussions about who will retain possession of the family home, vehicles, retirement accounts, and even items that carry sentimental value. The process of divvying up these assets can be tedious and…
Families can take a variety of shapes. While some are strictly biological in nature, others are built through legal processes like adoption. Guardianship is another way for individuals to provide a child in need with a safe and stable home, but many Californians are unfamiliar…
Despite living in the technological age, there are certain things that even the most cutting edge scientific approaches can't fully address. One of those issues is infertility. Many Californians suffer from infertility, and a significant number of those individuals find themselves worried about how to…
There are a variety of factors that can contribute to divorce. Money woes, infidelity, poor communication, and even family tragedy can throw marital relationships into a tailspin. One factor many may not consider, though, is one's genetic makeup. Sure, researchers have known for years that…
Raising a child is extremely expensive. Even families with moderate incomes can face difficulty making ends meet, so when couples divorce and a custodial parent must suddenly burden all costs associated with raising a child, one's financial situation can become dire. Fortunately, the state of…
Are you looking to sign a prenuptial agreement? If so, you are not alone. Many couples these days are looking to protect their financial interests in marriage. Talking about finances with your fiance may be challenging, but it is a beneficial endeavor if you ever…
Depending on the parties involved and the issues at hand, divorce can either be highly contentious or amicably resolved with little need for court intrusion. However, simply because a couple gets along does not mean that they can relax during the divorce process. Those who…
The New Year often brings with it a slew of divorce filings. Disgruntled spouses often try to tough out the holidays so that their children can enjoy one last season with both parents together as a family. Yet, while many Californians have already made up…
Family dynamics can vary significantly depending on the people involved, their financial circumstances, and any number of other factors. When it comes to divorce, these dynamics can have a significant impact on how certain issues are addressed. For example, as we discussed last week, those…
Domestic violence is far more common than most Californians realize. Too many individuals, both male and female, are exposed to physical violence, as well as verbal and emotional aggression that leaves them seriously harmed, afraid for their safety, and forever damaged. Making matters worse is…
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