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Dec 24, 2014
Tax Points for California Registered Domestic Partnerships

Domestic partnerships were our topic last week. We are going to continue on that topic this week to help our readers in California to get a better understanding about domestic partnerships. One topic that some people in a domestic partnership are curious about is how…

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Dec 18, 2014
Why Should I Register My Domestic Partnership in California?

People in California who are in committed relationships but don't want to get married might have the option of entering into a domestic partnership. These partnerships aren't available to all couples, but for couples who qualify, they might be a viable way to confirm the…

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Dec 11, 2014
Child Custody Battles Can Often Be Settled in California

In our last blog post, we discussed how being divorced doesn't have to ruin the holiday season for your family. We discussed some of the options available for parents to make the holidays a little easier for the children. For some parents, having a holiday…

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Dec 04, 2014
Child Custody Issues Don’t Have to Mean Disastrous Holidays

Christmas carols playing in retail shops, green and red decorations everywhere, cooler weather and the anticipation of a jolly man bearing presents are all signs that the winter holiday season is upon us. For most people, the winter holidays give them a chance to enjoy…

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Nov 27, 2014
Stephen Collins’ Divorce Trial Starts in California Court

When people hear about Hollywood divorces, they usually assume that what goes on behind the doors of the courtroom is something very ugly. The truth is that not every Hollywood divorce is that ugly. In fact, some are simply about money and once both sides…

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Nov 20, 2014
Open Adoptions Have Benefits and Drawbacks in California

In last week's post, we discussed different types of adoptions that are allowed in California. One of those types was an open adoption. These adoptions are considerably different from the traditional adoptions or closed adoptions that many people think of when they think about adoptions.…

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Nov 06, 2014
Cianci Law, PC Creative Family Solutions Participation and Preservation of Rights in a California Divorce

As readers of our blog know, we often discuss high-profile divorces. In last week's post, we discussed how Khloe Kardashian might have to proceed with her divorce if Lamar Odom continues to ignore the need for him to respond to her divorce petition. That post…

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Oct 30, 2014
A Lesson from Khloe Kardashian’s Latest Divorce Drama

The Kardashian family always seems to stay near the top of the hot celebrities' list. The relationships between the three Kardashian sisters and their men seem to always have new twists and turns. The most recent happenings between Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom might interest…

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Oct 23, 2014
Child Custody Issue: Moving with Your Child

When you have children with someone and the relationship doesn't work out, you might have to go through the child custody process to determine where the child will live. Once this court order is set, there might be limitations as to what can happen in…

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Oct 07, 2014
Former California Governor Schwarzenegger’s Divorce Almost Final

We discussed how important it is to have firm and fair negotiations when you have a high-asset divorce case in last week's blog. This week, news of the Arnold Schwarzenegger-Maria Shriver divorce really hits that point home. Most of our readers probably know that the…

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