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Jul 25, 2014
Property Division During Divorce in California Is Complex

Planning for a divorce isn't something that most people do when they get married. In some cases, however, planning for a possible divorce doesn't have anything to do with wishing the marriage would fail. Instead, it has to do with making sure you are cared…

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Jul 22, 2014
Submariner Highlights Child Custody Issue for Servicemembers

For any parent, going through a child custody battle is a headache. For parents in the military, these battles can be much worse. This is especially true if the parent is on an active deployment that makes it impossible for them to make it to…

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Jul 17, 2014
Divorce Again for Pamela Anderson

Divorce is a difficult situation for anyone to go through. Even those who haven't had lengthy marriages can be seriously affected by going through a divorce. Pamela Anderson was recently spotted at a California beach without her wedding ring. She was said to have been…

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Jul 11, 2014
Paul George’s Daughter at Center of Child Custody Case

Child custody fights are almost never pleasant. When a fight starts out with the father questioning the paternity of the child, there is a chance that the battle will get really nasty. In the case of the Pacers' star Paul George, the custody battle over…

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Jun 27, 2014
A Divorce Settlement Doesn’t Truly Free You from Marital Debts

When you are going through a divorce, you have a lot of things to consider as part of the process. One of the things you have to consider is how to divide community property, which includes both assets and liabilities. California is a community property…

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Jun 20, 2014
Odd Divorce Issue Settled by California Appellate Court

When people with considerable wealth get a divorce, reading over the divorce settlement can sometimes prove to be very interesting. That is exactly the case for one California couple who is divorcing. Their divorce papers contain a very unique story that might interest some of…

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Jun 13, 2014
4 California Brothers Thrive in Unconventional Adoption

Families come in all shapes and sizes. For one family of six in California, overcoming obstacles seems to be the common thread between them. The family is comprised of two dads and four sons. The children are 11, 9, 6 and 5. All four boys…

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Jun 06, 2014
What Do Bitcoins Have to Do with Divorce? In Some Cases, a Lot

One of the major concerns of anyone who is going through a divorce is how the assets will be divided. That question is sometimes straightforward and easy to answer, but other times, it is difficult and complex. One thing that is making this question difficult…

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May 30, 2014
Property Division in Divorce: Laws Stronger in California

When you are going through a divorce, getting all of the marital property divided can be a very tricky task. In some cases, special circumstances might come up that make it difficult to determine how an asset should be split. The division of marital property…

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May 23, 2014
California Cop and Wife in Complex Family Law Battle

Every relationship will have good times and bad times. For some people, the bad times in the relationship are really bad. For one police officer in California, who is currently suspended, the bad times in his relationship have made news headlines. Now, he is filing…

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