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May 17, 2014
Actor’s Child Custody Case Highlights Sperm Donors and Paternity

A story in the news not too long ago drew considerable scrutiny from people when a judge ordered a sperm donor to pay child support for a child he fathered despite having an agreement stating he wasn't responsible for the child. A recent case in…

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May 09, 2014
Woman Tries to Collect Child Support on Adult Children

A woman in California recently tried to collect back child support for her adult children, who are now over 30 years old. However, a judge declared that she could not ask for the payments from the father. The reasoning was that the woman actually made…

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May 02, 2014
Factoring Businesses, Homes and Assets into a Divorce

Emotions run high during a divorce, but it is important that you protect yourself during the divorce to ensure that you aren't financially damaged when the ink is dry on the settlement. The difficulty of property division in a divorce is often complicated when there…

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Apr 25, 2014
Cianci Law Kordell Stewart Settles Child Custody Battle Over Son

When people are going through a divorce, two major points of contention often tend to be property division and child custody. Former NFL football star Kordell Stewart recently finalized his divorce from Porsha Williams, a star on a popular reality television show. At the same…

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Apr 18, 2014
Children Could Benefit When Divorce Strikes

While it can be hard on children when their parents go through a divorce, there are also ways in which it can actually benefit them, according to some studies. The disadvantages are often taken on by the oldest female child in the family. When the…

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Apr 11, 2014
Maintaining Composure in Stressful Co-Parenting Situations

When you and your child’s other parent are raising your child in two different households, conflict is bound to arise from time to time. Parents who live together also inevitably engage in conflict. However, there is a certain pressure placed upon co-parents to resolve their…

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Apr 04, 2014
Viral Internet Picture Shares an Important Family Law Lesson

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. There are times when a single image so perfectly captures an idea that it just has to be shared. Perhaps this is why sites like Instagram have become so popular. One such picture…

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Mar 28, 2014
Paltrow-Martin Divorces Leaves Many Wondering About Assets

Many California residents have probably heard the news that actress Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin of Coldplay are getting divorced. As is the case in most celebrity divorces, the announcement has left many wondering what this means for the couple's assets. Is there a prenup?…

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Mar 21, 2014
Compelling Your Former Spouse to Pay Obligatory Spousal Support

When two people decide to end their marriage, a family court judge must formally declare that the marriage has been legally dissolved. Before this final step can be taken, the terms of the divorce must be clearly spelled out in a divorce decree. For some…

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Mar 14, 2014
Is It a Good Idea to Start Dating During Divorce & Custody Cases?

How soon is too soon to start dating again after divorce? There isn’t a rule or timeline that works for every person, but it is important to note that “after divorce” means after the divorce has been finalized. If you date while separated or in…

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