When you and your child’s other parent are raising your child in two different households, conflict is bound to arise from time to time. Parents who live together also inevitably engage in conflict. However, there is a certain pressure placed upon co-parents to resolve their…
It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. There are times when a single image so perfectly captures an idea that it just has to be shared. Perhaps this is why sites like Instagram have become so popular. One such picture…
Many California residents have probably heard the news that actress Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin of Coldplay are getting divorced. As is the case in most celebrity divorces, the announcement has left many wondering what this means for the couple's assets. Is there a prenup?…
When two people decide to end their marriage, a family court judge must formally declare that the marriage has been legally dissolved. Before this final step can be taken, the terms of the divorce must be clearly spelled out in a divorce decree. For some…
How soon is too soon to start dating again after divorce? There isn’t a rule or timeline that works for every person, but it is important to note that “after divorce” means after the divorce has been finalized. If you date while separated or in…
They say marriage is better the second time around, but what about the third or fourth time around? Actor Charlie Sheen seems to think the fourth will be his lucky one. After proposing to his 24-year-old girlfriend in Hawaii, it is being reported that Sheen…
The Baby Boom generation is remarkable for many reasons. With some 76 million Americans considered to be Baby Boomers, the size of this generation alone is noteworthy. But more than that, Boomers have always done things in their own way, rejecting the more traditional values…
As Oscar weekend approaches, most news and gossip outlets will focus on the designer dresses actresses will be wearing and who nominated actors may bring as dates to the biggest night of the year for the motion picture industry. But what will Oscar night be…
There are a number of sensitive issues that can arise when couples are having relationship issues and may be considering divorce. Most of the time, a couple’s private issues deserve to be kept private. But there are also instances that call for outside intervention. Perhaps…
Some of the most successful people in life are those who can view every situation as an opportunity to learn and facilitate personal growth. This is obviously much easier in some situations than in others. What does divorce have to teach us? The answer may…
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