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Mar 23, 2022
How Are Unique Assets Valued During Property Division?

How Are Unique Assets Valued During Property Division? How Does Property Division Work in California? California is what is called a community property state. This means that any property (or debts) acquired during a marriage (marital property) is owned jointly by the couple. As a…

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Mar 09, 2022
Dispelling Common Myths About Surrogacy

Dispelling Common Myths About Surrogacy Are You Considering Surrogacy? If you and your partner are considering surrogacy, you probably have a lot of questions. Surrogacy is a wonderful thing that has helped countless couples grow their families. However, a simple google search turns up an…

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Mar 02, 2022
Is Alternative Dispute Resolution Right For Me?

If you decide to get a divorce, there are more options than just litigation for reaching resolutions. Alternative dispute resolution refers to the tactics utilized to reach a resolution when couples go through something like a divorce. When thinking of alternative dispute resolution and family…

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Feb 22, 2022
Is My California Prenuptial Agreement Unenforceable?

Many couples use prenuptial agreements to protect each individual’s property rights in the event of a divorce. If you signed a prenuptial agreement and are now divorcing your spouse, you may be wondering if the contract is valid and enforceable. There are many circumstances in…

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Feb 08, 2022
Will or Trust: Which Do I Need in California?

Estate planning allows you to decide, among other things, what will happen to your assets once you pass away. Most people are familiar with the “last will and testament,” a document that gives you a chance to specify who will get what. A living trust…

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Feb 03, 2022
How Attorneys Can Help in Adoptions

Making the decision to expand your family through adoption is exciting for all involved. While it is an amazing opportunity, that does not mean that it is a simple process. In order to adopt you have to navigate the complex system of laws and regulations…

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Feb 03, 2022
What Happens in an Adoption Home Study?

The prospect of adopting and expanding your family is an exciting one. However, it is not an immediate process. Many things have to happen before an adoption is approved. There is important paperwork involved and deadlines that must be met. One of the most important…

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Jan 28, 2022
Hurdles Parents Face When Trying to Finalize an Adoption

Adoption can be a long and stressful process for everyone involved. The adoption process can seem cumbersome and overly detailed but changing a child’s status is permanent. Everyone must be vetted and checked to protect children and put them in a position for the best…

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Jan 12, 2022
Can I Appeal a Family Court Decision?

The family court system works hard to make fair orders, and while most cases work out justly, there are times when mistakes happen and a judgment fails to meet the needs of all parties. It can be challenging if you were on the receiving end…

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Jan 04, 2022
Preparing for Divorce Litigation

Making the decision to proceed with divorce can bring about stress and worry for some. This is understandable, as it can be a complex process. However, it can become even more complicated when one spouse refuses to compromise or reach fair agreements. Frequently, this results…

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