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Dec 29, 2021
Why Do I Need a Surrogacy Agreement?

If you are considering surrogacy, you need a surrogacy agreement to protect your interest and to ensure you are in the best legal position while you wait for your child to be born. Hopeful parents have options when choosing surrogate pregnancy. Hopeful parents in a…

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Dec 17, 2021
What Can I Do if I Can’t Afford My Child Support Payments?

With almost two years of a global pandemic under our belts, you would think we’d have all the answers to the big questions. One of the biggest issues impacting families is financial security. Many families have found the pandemic is just as much about health…

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Dec 02, 2021
Co-Parenting and Its Benefits

Parenting after a divorce presents its own unique challenges. It can feel overwhelming to tackle a new parenting dynamic amongst a separation. Furthermore, it is your duty to ensure that your children have as easy a transition as possible. A divorce brings about a lot…

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Nov 15, 2021
Domestic Violence isn’t Just Physical Abuse

Domestic abuse is a serious problem affecting more than 10 million people per year. Contrary to popular belief, domestic abuse is a problem impacting both men and women. At any time in the US, 25% of all women are in a violent domestic relationship, and…

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Nov 06, 2021
Why You Should Consider a Durable Power of Attorney and Advance Healthcare Directive

There are so many unforeseen accidents and traumas that can befall any of us while we are outdoors. No one plans to have an accident, injury, or illness, but when they happen, you and your loved ones need the clarity and power that comes from…

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Nov 03, 2021
Ending Toxic Marriages

While our society has an idyllic view on marriage, not everyone has a positive experience with their partners. In fact, toxic marriages and relationships are more common than you think. Creative Family Solutions, Cianci Law, PC wants to help explain what a toxic relationship is…

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Oct 18, 2021
Why Some Families Avoid Trust Funds

Preparing future generations for success by creating good money habits is often a forgotten task. There are serious implications to giving large financial responsibility to unprepared beneficiaries. For future heirs, a lack of financial education can lead to poor outcomes for their money knowledge and…

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Oct 03, 2021
Domestic Violence Awareness Month, How to Help

October is domestic violence awareness month, dedicated to acknowledging survivors and lifting their voices. Creative Family Solutions, Cianci Law, PC understands that domestic violence is often a driving reason behind divorce and separation. We want to provide the necessary information to help our loved ones…

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Oct 03, 2021
Shocking Statistics on Domestic Violence

It is essential to understand just how widespread domestic violence is to put an end to it successfully. In fact, domestic violence is a severe issue that is more prevalent than many would think. At Creative Family Solutions, Cianci Law, PC we see the value…

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Sep 21, 2021
Top 2 Reasons Mediation Works for Those Facing a Gray Divorce

Gray divorces are taking up a lot of space in family court. The pandemic months have seen a decrease in the percentage of divorces year over year. But when you break down the yearly number, there was an increase in filings for older aged couples…

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