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Jun 05, 2021
Can I Leave Behind a Handwritten Will?

Handwritten wills are not as common as they once were, but they are still executed successfully. We are often alerted to things we knew about but had forgotten via the news and current events. A former Bond Girl, Tanya Roberts, died recently and left her…

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Jun 02, 2021
Q & A: Child Custody Agreements

Common Questions About Child Child Custody Unfortunately, getting divorced also impacts children, causing parents to have to reevaluate their current family structure. Child custody is not an easy subject to tackle, especially without an attorney to walk you through the legal process. Our attorneys at…

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May 19, 2021
Government Funded Pandemic Payments, Divorce, & Co-Parenting

The pandemic has strained the finances of many families. There have been news stories across the country about domestic disputes being on the rise due to pandemic-related unemployment, quarantine orders, and social distancing requirements. Now, there have been increases in custody issues and domestic violence…

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May 11, 2021
What Issues Should I Address in My Surrogacy Agreement?

Surrogacy law is changing and advancing as more people embrace the method as a way to expand or start their families. Surrogacy is a wonderful medical procedure that has afforded many people with families who would otherwise not have one. Parents to be can opt…

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May 06, 2021
Do’s and Don’ts of Co-Parenting

Co-Parenting After Divorce: Do’s and Don’ts No one has all of the right answers when it comes to parenting, especially if you’re recently divorced and navigating your new life as co-parents with your ex. While it may be hard to figure out how to go…

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May 06, 2021
Modifying Your Custody Agreement

Reasons to Modify A Custody Agreement In California, making modifications to custody agreements can be done under certain circumstances and you can request to make modifications at any time. You can work with an experienced attorney to seek modifications of your current custody agreement. However,…

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Apr 26, 2021
5 Tips To Avoid Bankruptcy During A Pandemic

The pandemic was a terrible reminder for many people that they are only one paycheck from ruin. But for many business owner and savers who felt their position was solid going into this unprecedented global health scare, the economy was harmful to them as well.…

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Apr 12, 2021
4 Reasons Why You and Your Loved Ones Should Create Advance Directives

The past 16 months have made us all a little bit more sensitive to issue of health and mortality. Advance care planning has always been important, but the peace of mind that these legal instruments have provided during our pandemic is a testimony to why…

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Apr 08, 2021
Best Apps to Use for Co-Parenting

Best Scheduling Apps to Help With Co-Parenting Parenting is a busy job, especially when you have to co-parent from different households. But, did you know there are apps you can use that can help take away some of the stress related to co-parenting with your…

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Mar 14, 2021
Can I Be Left Financially Ruined After My Divorce?

The global pandemic has been financially devastating to couples, causing many to put off their divorce in favor of waiting for the world to recover. The rise of mandatory shelter in place orders combined with layoffs, job closures, and reduced work hours have left many…

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