Preparing for Divorce Litigation

Making the decision to proceed with divorce can bring about stress and worry for some. This is understandable, as it can be a complex process. However, it can become even more complicated when one spouse refuses to compromise or reach fair agreements. Frequently, this results in divorce cases going to court or having attorneys help support their clients by representing their needs in litigation.

Creative Family Solutions, Cianci Law, PC understands that you want your divorce process to go as smoothly as possible. That’s why we are providing tips for preparation.

Getting Documentation Ready

If you are entering a more contentious divorce process, it is crucial to have all of your appropriate documentation prepared. For example, you might find that your spouse might make it challenging to obtain the necessary paperwork, such as insurance documentation. If this is the case, know that you can rely on a Coto de Caza divorce attorney to help you acquire these documents, making sure you are prepared.

Property Finances

When going through a high-stress divorce, you may find yourself moving outside of the home quickly. However, before you leave, it is vital to document all of your assets in the home. Gather all of the relevant paperwork related to the property, such as receipts or notes from gifts. If you and your spouse share a bank account, remove yourself from the account and start your own. Keep important documents related to your finances as well. This can include loan statements, inheritances, or even retirement accounts.

The Right Attorney For You

Perhaps the most essential step in preparing for litigation is finding an attorney who tirelessly fights for your rights. In the event that your spouse is unwilling to communicate or compromise, an attorney can step in and ensure that you reach a fair resolution in and outside of the courtroom. Furthermore, having an experienced attorney in your corner can help ensure that you have everything you need, such as documentation, ready for the process. Creative Family Solutions, Cianci Law, PC is the team for you, as we will compassionately listen and defend you when necessary.

Contact our team today at (916) 797-1575 to schedule an appointment for a consultation! We can provide the divorce guidance you deserve.

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