Rancho Santa Margarita Divorce Lawyer

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Rancho Santa Margarita Divorce Attorney

Divorce is almost always a challenging and complicated process; however, having the right Rancho Santa Margarita divorce lawyer can often smooth out some of the typical challenges. Having a good lawyer on your side can not only ensure that you have strong help with the legal aspects of the process but also can ease your mind and help mitigate some of the stress you may be feeling.

Divorces can range from being particularly amicable to highly contentious. At Cianci Law, PC, we’ve seen the full range of divorces and can use that experience to help you. We know how to identify what will be most important to you once your divorce is finalized and can pursue those objectives on your behalf. Whether your divorce can be negotiated amicably or if you will need your strongest argument presented before the court, a Rancho Santa Margarita family lawyer on our team is prepared to help.

Rancho Santa Margarita Divorce Lawyer

How a Divorce Lawyer May Be Able to Help

A lawyer can act as your representative during your divorce. This involves several functions, but our primary responsibility is to pursue your interests in accordance with the laws governing divorce.

One of the most important ways a lawyer can help with the divorce process is by providing advice. Because we understand the law and have experienced many divorces, we can help advise you on the most effective means of achieving your objectives.

We can also help you set your expectations. One of the most challenging aspects of the divorce process is realizing that there will need to be quite a bit of compromise and concession. One of the most effective ways of reducing the potential tension and conflict involved is by understanding what the law requires surrounding the major issues of a divorce and what you can reasonably expect as an outcome.

We also help with technical aspects of divorce. A significant amount of paperwork will need to be done properly and on time, a task we can take over. There is also the matter of resolving the most important aspects of a divorce. These issues generally include:

  • Child Custody
  • Child Support
  • Spousal Support
  • Property Division

Most divorces are resolved through negotiation of a separation agreement. We represent our clients in these negotiations, pursuing their interests and seeking an agreement that fits within the parameters of the law. However, if a negotiated agreement isn’t possible, we are also prepared to advocate for you before the court, ensuring the judge clearly understands your position.


Q: Is There a Waiting Period for a Rancho Santa Margarita Divorce?

A: There is a waiting period for a Rancho Santa Margarita divorce; however, California’s waiting period is slightly different than the waiting periods required in many other states. Whereas many waiting periods require a period of separation before a divorce can be filed, California requires a minimum of six months between the initiation of divorce proceedings and the divorce being finalized.

This means that to shorten the divorce process, it’s important to file soon after the decision to divorce has been made.

Q: How Long Will a Divorce Take?

A: How long a divorce will take depends on several factors, including the objectives of the participants, whether the divorce is contested, and the court’s schedule. Generally, if the process is not particularly contentious, it could be completed either shortly after the waiting period or relatively close to it. However, if there are many complications and conflicts involved, it’s not uncommon for a divorce to last years.

Working with knowledgeable divorce attorneys may help you shorten the overall duration of your divorce proceedings.

Q: Am I Required to Have a Rancho Santa Margarita Divorce Lawyer?

A: You are not required to have a Rancho Santa Margarita, California, divorce lawyer represent you through a divorce. However, not having representation may not be the recommended option. Divorces can be complicated, and experience with the process can often be one of the most critical factors in ensuring that your interests are properly advocated for. It’s also likely that your spouse will have representation through the process, and having a lawyer on your side can equalize the dynamic.

Q: Can Divorce Orders Be Modified Later?

A: Some divorce orders can be modified later. This does not typically apply to an issue like property division, but spousal support, child support, and child custody are issues where the orders may sometimes be changed. However, court orders are often only changed if there is sufficient cause for the change. This will typically involve a petition to the court, followed by hearings if the court feels there may be a potential need to adjust the orders.

Q: Should I Get a Divorce?

A: The choice to get a divorce is a personal one that only you can make. Factors to consider when making the decision include your happiness, whether your spouse broke your trust in an unrecoverable way, and whether you can still see a positive future with your spouse. Once you have decided to separate from your spouse, a divorce attorney can help you move forward with the process.

Creative Family Solutions for Your Divorce

Divorce, even when it’s going to be better in the long run, is a challenging process. The stress of trying to unwind and separate lives that were often built together can be difficult. That stress, though, is only compounded by the emotional strain that comes with the legal aspect of the dissolution of a marriage. One of the most critical aspects of managing the stress and strain of a divorce is working with a trusted lawyer.

At Cianci Law, PC, we understand the difficulty that you’re going through when dealing with a divorce. We work to ensure that you understand the process and how the important components of the divorce will need to fit with the law. Our objective is to do what we can to pursue your interests, using creativity when needed, with appropriate compassion and caring for the emotional side of the situation. Contact us today for this kind of comprehensive help through your divorce.


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